Serving love is the only game in town.

What are we so afraid of?

"What are we afraid of if we live truth and love? If we are willing in every moment to give our hearts, our service, our strength, our love, to serve That? Because you ARE That. Because life is for serving that love. Because that's actually the only real game in town."

~Jeannie Zandi

On the anniversary of the burning at the stake of mystic and author Marguerite Porete, Jeannie has a special longer call to explore the theme of living your truth no matter what. Themes included will be fear of being persecuted, the act of standing in the truth and digesting fear, healing from martyrdom in cellular memory, and whatever else is at the bottom of our resistance to living our fullness and truth. 

Truth or Bust will take place:

Saturday, June 1, from 1:00 - 3:30 pm MDT