Jeannie discusses teachers who resonate with you and “sing your song.” She explores how teachings can be taken, used, played with very usefully by a willing student. Sangha can be a tremendous support to have company on this path, and even simply to love can be a teacher. 


Exchange 1Participant comes on just to spill some love and light.

Exchange 2
Participant is struggling to fit in with other spiritual friends and their practices. Participant explores the sense of being the odd-one-out in sangha or of yearning to have a friend that truly aligns with them. Jeannie talks about the ways we may need to relinquish people to their own paths, to grieve the idea of the perfect spiritual companion, and to collect the parts of what resonates in a variety of places rather than finding the ultimate community or partner.

Exchange 3: Participant has spent time with many elevated teachers who speak to love and light but still feels stuck and ego-identified. Jeannie invites the participant to slow down for the fearful creature of the body and experience the present moment.  

Exchange 4Participant is noticing that what’s rising when they sit is okay even if it doesn’t feel okay. They reflect on their understanding of being with what rises through the lens of trauma and resourcing.

Exchange 5: Participant has been experiencing aloneness. Jeannie talks about different layers and kinds of aloneness.