Relax into the organic cycle of life
Notice how you are carried along

Jeannie invites participants to drop into their felt experience in the moment. She talks about the spring as a beautiful metaphor for growth, death and rebirth, often with some struggle or sacrifice involved. Sometimes our dark nights, deconstructions, and griefs cannot be rushed, and spring must come when it comes, mercy to the one who awaits it. The light exists, below any darkness we are experiencing, and will emerge once again.


Exchange 1: Participant experiences difficulty in intimate relationship, feels a hardness inside, their pain coming out as rage/frustration. An energy is rising that wants to live alone. Jeannie supports participant to stop and hang with what’s arising. 

Exchange 2: Participant experiences groundlessness and fear, and feels like panic or shutdown are the only options. Jeannie urgers them to look into trauma resolution, and to back off a little when feeling overwhelmed. 

Exchange 3Participant experiences a very young grief that keeps returning. Jeannie talks about the vital role of grief, and crying as a spiritual practice. 

Exchange 4Participant challenged in meeting their basic needs. Jeannie invites them to explore resting in the young place that rises and support the system with presence. 

Exchange 5: Participant queries how to feel a sense of home on Earth. Jeannie supports them to start with learning to rest at home in the body. 

Exchange 6: Participant notices relating to thoughts is different after allowing attention to sink down into felt experience. Jeannie supports participant to explore being.

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