Holy Work Challenge: Foundations for Embodied Living

March 3 - April 3, 2025 Online Program

While an awakening can profoundly reorient us to reality, it is the work of embodiment that allows us to live that shift. Including awareness of our felt experience is the foundation of this  embodiment. We learn to partner with the body to be grounded in being and simplicity, to meet what rises in each moment, to resolve the sources of reactivity, and to live from presence, clarity, and love.. 

The Holy Work, Jeannie's felt inquiry technique, is a potent tool for growing legs under your heart. With a committed group, participate in an experiential 30-day course that includes weekly classes with Jeannie, an online forum, and optional small groups. This powerful tool for exploring and being with what is has helped many people move out of old patterns and conditioning into Presence. 

Whether you are new to Jeannie’s work or have been around for years, join us for this extra level of support and community to allow “dropping in” to become second nature.

The Holy Work Challenge was the real beginning of a huge shift for me in how I operate in the world. Enormously beneficial.

-- Betsy Allen

Jeannie and participants share about the Holy Work Challenge.


Free Q&A with Jeannie coming up:

  • To be announced 

In the Holy Work Challenge, you will be supported to:

  • Ground in the simplicity of the present
  • Drop into presence
  • Meet a variety of emotional states
  • Identify and step out of delusion
  • Loosen the impulse to control instead of surrender
  • Deepen in your capacity to rest in the Unknown

  • Support your embodiment of the Truth

Online Gatherings with Jeannie (attend live or download the recordings)

  • Monday, March 3, 2025, 6-8 pm mst
  • Monday, March 10, 2025, 6-8 pm mdt
  • Monday, March 17, 2025, 6-8 pm mdt
  • Monday, March 24, 2025, 6-8 pm mdt
  • Finale Gathering: Thursday, April 3, 2025 6-8 pm mdt

There will be an informal group watch of the recording the day after each class at 10 am mt for anyone who cannot attend live. 

Private Facebook Group

  • Confidential, safe space to share your experience with a committed group of fellow explorers

  • Direct access to Jeannie for support, encouragement and guidance

Optional Online Zoom Share Groups

  • Confidential, safe space to share your experience face-to-face with a committed group of fellow explorers

  • Members make commitment to a particular time/date for the duration of the Challenge

  • Facilitated by senior students who are trained and mentored by Jeannie 

  • Members must attend all 4 group meetings to be part of a group.

Resource library that includes:

  • Support videos
  • Guided meditations
  • Articles on related topics

Personalized Commitment

This course is a deeper dive into the teachings and requires commitment. 

Having a group of people “all in” makes for solid support, bonding and transformation. 

This means you will do your best to follow through on all the required parts of the course and speak up if you’re having trouble or have questions. Jeannie’s approach combines commitment AND tenderness, so that we both learn to persevere AND to treat ourselves compassionately, and to use the container to learn about who we are and how we roll, with mercy for humanness.

Registering for the course means you commit to:

  1. Read about and understand the requirements of the course and ask questions as you need information.

  2. Watch/read any required materials, preferably prior to the start of the course.

  3. Attend or listen to the recordings of the weekly meetings with Jeannie in a timely way to keep up with the group. 

  4. Not refer to the shares of other participants (more about this in the course materials)

  5. Formulate a self-styled commitment that fits for you and share it on the private Facebook group.

  6. Engage with your commitment daily.

  7. Share weekly in the Facebook group in some way.

  8. If you join a small group, attend all 4 meetings, on time, and for the whole meeting.

Through honoring the shared commitments, you will discover things about yourself and learn to be with and bring mercy to the places in you that rise when you seek to fully engage. There will be plenty of support along the way to assist you with full engagement.


If you have never taken the course before, you would choose which new person rate works for you.

New Person Standard Rate: $297.00 (optional 3 payments of $99)
New Person Reduced Rate: $227.00 (optional 3 payments of $75.67)

If you have taken the course before, you would choose which returning rate works best for you.

Returning Standard Rate: $177.00 (optional 3 payments of $59)
Retuning Reduced Rate: $147.00 (optional 3 payments of $59)

Because this is an intensive course where participants help hold the container, it is by application. As well, the application is a way for Jeannie to get to know you. We will respond to your application as soon as we can by email. If you are accepted, you will be sent information to register for the course.


Deadline to apply: Monday, February 17, 2025 
Deadline to register: Monday, February 24, 2025

Apply here

Deadline to apply for partial scholarships/work trade: Monday, February 17, 2025.

Apply for Scholarship

This course is required for the Holy Essentials 8-month course that starts in the fall of 2025.

I noticed that I slowly had a deeper connection with Being in my daily life. My heart seemed to swallow my mind some days! Thoughts that used to disturb me couldn't penetrate my bliss. I feel more committed than ever to Spirit and making Being central to my daily life. I feel more devotion more deeply than ever. I feel more grace. :) Thank you!!!


Questions? Email [email protected]