Drop into the ground of your being
Step away from attention's interest in thought

Jeannie guides participants to sink down out of interest in thought into a sense of being off-duty, resting in the simple vibrating moment of is-ness. She likens this abiding to sitting at the mouth of a dark, silent cave. She addresses the most asked questions in spiritual meetings: How do I stay here? How do I live from this?


Exchange 1 - Participant is faced with things falling away. Jeannie talks about spiritual deconstruction and the variety of experiences that one can have in the process.

Exchange 2 - Participant feels that much of her suffering is due to internalized feelings of badness. Jeannie talks about separation as the sense that something is worthy of being banished. .

Exchange 3 -Participant feels rising vitality and wants help cultivating this. Jeannie talks about the need for grounding through the body.

Exchange 4 - Participant is trying to discern if her work is supporting her process. Jeannie talks discerning between an invitation to rise to the occasion versus setting a boundary.

Exchange 5 - Participant is looking for support to settle into leaving the safety net of her job. Jeannie encourages her to sit with a sense of what she loves as well as to sit with the fear that rises in the freefall.

Exchange 6 - Participant wants to know how to open to the possible in the face of a belief that she'll never get what she wants. Jeannie talks about how healing can sometimes be like a "war with the yucky thing" and encourages participant to deeply allow it in for tea.

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