Live your soft heart.

It's time for a yin revolution!

"We have demonized yin to our planetary detriment, to the point where we are ailing so deeply as human beings and as earth that we’re crying out in pain and the only solutions we have are born of that very imbalance. We want to do something! We want to rise up and get strong. But without a recognition of the root-nourishing, heart-opening, soul-inclusive, human-accepting, composting power of yin, our yang is brittle, has no heart, no connectedness, and no unity. Without yin, we as women are moving without the depth and ground of our essential knowing, power, and support from the universe and unwittingly participating in the very dynamic that perpetuates the divisiveness."

~Jeannie Zandi

Be part of the transformation! Live your soft heart! Drench your body and mind in the waters of embodied presence. Deepen your capacity to soften open, to remain so in the face of challenge, to grow sturdy legs under your soft heart and say goodbye to the hardened shell you’ve felt you needed to stay safe in the world. It’s time for a yin revolution!  

During this series you will get to:

  • Explore the transformative and maturing power of yin
  • Challenge unconscious cultural conditioning that keeps you at war with your softness
  • Identify common habits of denying yourself mercy and compassion
  • Become aware of how “manning up” functions to keep your heart closed
  • Learn about the deep value of hurt and tears
  • Gain some tools to provide yourself space and support to nourish yin every day
  • Develop respect for and trust in yourself as a soft-hearted and sturdy being

This course will include meditation, guided meditation, talks, Q&A with Jeannie and optional breakout room dyad exercises. Optional homework exercises will be offered should you want to take your exploration beyond the class into everyday life.

Flower Power will consist of five calls at the following times: 

  • Monday, June 3, 10 am - 12 pm mdt - The power and potency of Yin 
  • Monday, June 10, 10 am - 12 pm mdt - Manning up? No, pussying down.
  • Monday, June 17, 10 am - 12 pm mdt - Protecting and nourishing the soft
  • Monday, June 24, 10 am - 12 pm mdt - Developing ground, spine and capacity
  • Monday, July 1, 10 am - 12 pm mdt - Yin in the everyday world

Pricing options

What pricing option do I pick?

We are a small non-profit and strive to make our events affordable. Thus, we have two rates and payment plans for those rates to provide flexibility and to help us to offer high-quality programs. We appreciate your contributions that help us cover our basic program costs.

Standard Rate  
This rate is for you if you:

  • Can meet your monthly financial responsibilities with ease
  • Are generally able to purchase new items and experiences for yourself

Reduced Rate
This rate is for you if you:

  • Can meet your monthly financial responsibilities
  • Have to choose carefully where discretionary income is used 
  • Are currently experiencing limited capacity to afford the Standard price
  • Face challenges due to devaluation of your currency against the US dollar

If you have limited financial capacity or hardship that makes meeting even your monthly expenses challenging, such as a fixed income, temporary or long-term joblessness, etc. please fill out the scholarship application here to give us more information about your situation.

Cancellation Policy
It is your responsibility to read and understand our cancellation policy before sending in payment.

Registration fees for online events are refundable prior to the first gathering. For online daylongs, series and retreats, a $25 processing fee will be retained. 

About Jeannie

Jeannie is the director of Living as Love, a nonprofit organization dedicated to seeding a culture of the Heart on the planet, inspiring, teaching and supporting people to live from their essence as Love.  A year before the birth of her daughter, Jeannie was plunged into a dark night of the soul that culminated in a radical shift of consciousness.  She is known for her fearless clarity, tender mercy toward humanness, and a juicy, poetic and often humorous style that draws from Advaita Vedanta, Sufism, Christian mysticism and the ongoing revelation of fully engaged living.

For more about Jeannie, visit