What if it's just hard here sometimes for humans, and it's not your failing?

Jeannie guides participants down into their settled direct experience of the moment. She talks about the stigma and shame that are attached to the topic of addiction, which makes healing from addiction challenging. She talks about the role of mercy and of consciousness in unwinding an addiction, and talks about the psychodynamics of addiction, and points to the fallacy that all solutions come from the mind and the will.


Exchange 1: Participant found Jeannie's talk "spot on" and says few people are talking this way about addiction. He finds it hard because the way we address addiction in our systems isn't sufficient, and that the missing piece is missing from the culture entirely. He talks about the challenge of having mercy for himself, and talks about the absence of trauma being included in the years of treatment he had. Jeannie talks about mercy and harshness and the role of pure noticing.  

Exchange 2: Participant participating in Holy Work Challenge explores powerlessness with Jeannie, as well as a spirituality that is big enough to hold the reality of the Holocaust.

Exchange 3: Participant has the "wanties" which Jeannie talks about as an aspect of the creature and the unmet baby aspect in us, whose drive to thrive and survive is want. Participant brings up the wanting of oblivion and Jeannie encourages her to explore it. 

Exchange 4: Participant feels "filled up" and Jeannie encourages her to be in that. She talks about control and Jeannie encourages her to chill into the moment.