Holy Relating

Dates TBA, 8-month Online Program

Are you ready to bring deep presence and clarity to your relating? 

All who have completed Holy Essentials II are invited to immerse themselves in the eight themes of Holy Relating! Join the ranks of the seasoned peeps as we delve deeply and experientially into 8 additional themes about relating from presence. Take your well honed strengths and growing heart-legs into the wilderness, challenges and joys of relating. 

Holy Relating is a committed online course that provides a profound container for transformation with a comprehensive curriculum and a committed community. This course is designed to support a rich exploration of eight new juicy themes that will deepen your capacity to hold your own in relating with others from grounded Being.

With pre-recorded classes, live monthly Q&As with Jeannie, powerful home practices, partner exercises, an online support forum and more, the course also includes a kickoff daylong, a midwinter weekend, and a daylong farewell at the end of the course.

I have been deeply transformed through Jeannie's committed programs, mentoring and wisdom teachings.  The combination of personal contact during retreat, home practices and community have been a blessing I cannot even understand with my ordinary mind.  I am eternally grateful."

-Ken Farber

"Jeannie’s committed courses have been a truly transformational experience, with so many insights and so much healing. I am deeply and fundamentally changed by the teachings and the content, as well as by the partner practices that were included and held within the container. I have learned so much both by the teachings she has given through the classes, but also by witnessing her way of interacting and holding space for the other participants."

-Marit Nygard


Email Amy at [email protected].


Teachings, guidance, home practices, partnered exercises, and an intimate online community, all to support your awakening, healing and transformation. A flexible committed program with Jeannie without the expense of travel or retreat!

  • 8 monthly pre-recorded classes 
  • 8 live Q&A's with Jeannie with optional breakout room dyads
  • A private online Facebook group where you can authentically share how you’re doing with the practices and teachings. 
  • Potent home practices and partner exercises
  • An extensive online library of audio, video and written materials to support your journey
  • Optional committed share groups
  • Discounts on other events, including self-guided courses


The themes that we'll explore in Holy Relating are:

  • Relating & The Sacred: Exploring the spiritual dimensions of relating.
  • Spiritual Maturity & The Baby: Identifying and negotiating with the baby within to facilitate claiming your mature status as an embodied human.
  • Boundaries: Learning to set clear boundaries from simple truth.
  • Relational Container: Exploring the use of container in all forms of relating.
  • Projection & Shadow: Exploring the dynamics of projection and the nature of shadow.
  • Unwinding Reactivity: Navigating delusion, meeting emotional states, using reactivity as fuel for Holy Work, unwinding specific reactive patterns.
  • Feedback: Learning a practice for giving and receiving feedback.
  • Healing in Relating: How to use relating to heal and grow.

Prerequisites to Register

  • Have completed Holy Essentials II



Some reduced rates and work trades are available for the financially challenged.


Course begins: Fall 2025

Course Components

Monthly class on theme with Jeannie:

  • Once a month 75-minute prerecorded class on listed theme
  • Attendance highly recommended but not mandatory

Monthly Zoom Q&A with Jeannie

  • Once a month live 2-hour Q&A with Jeannie on listed theme
  • Optional breakout room dyads
  • Attendance highly recommended but not mandatory
  • Video and audio recordings made available afterward

Monthly Home Practices

  • Home practices (do solo or with partner) to more fully engage and integrate teachings

Private Facebook Community

  • Holy Relating students only
  • Jeannie available for questions
  • Ability to stay in touch, share, and get support for process of unfolding
  • This is like having Jeannie on retainer for 8 months!

Resource Library

  • Generous amount of resource materials each month related to the monthly theme including videos, audios, poetry and written material

Discounts on Other Events


Private Sessions

  • Enjoy a free session with one of Jeannie's mentored private session facilitators
  • Additional sessions available at discounted rate.

Accountability & Exercise Partners

  • Optional accountability partners from the group. This is someone you meet with regularly (in person, by phone or Zoom) to trade listening time around the commitment and follow-through.
  • Optional dyad partners for monthly home practices. This is someone you meet with regularly (in person, by phone or Zoom) to do dyad practices related to the monthly theme.
  • Accountability and dyad partner can be the same person.
  • You can have one or more regular partners and sample other partners as you wish and as they are willing.


Personalized Commitment

This course is a deeper dive into the teachings and requires commitment. 

Having a group of people “all in” makes for solid support, bonding and transformation. 

This means you will do your best to follow through on the required parts of the course and speak up if you’re having trouble or have questions. The course also has the flexibility for each person to craft their own unique commitment and to revise it as necessary. 

Registering for the course means that:

  • You commit to participate in and pay for all 8 months.
  • You commit to reading about and understanding the requirements of the course and asking questions as you need information.
  • You commit to following all guidelines put forth in the materials.
  • You commit to attend, view or listen to the monthly online class at the start of each month.
  • You commit to attend (or view soon after) the monthly live Q&As.
  • You commit to not mentioning or referring to the shares of other participants, whether those occur in Q&As, small groups or in the Facebook group.
  • You commit to formulate a commitment that fits you and to update it to stay current with what you are discovering about yourself and your engagement with the course.
  • You commit to share your commitment on the Facebook group as you formulate or change it.
  • You commit to share monthly in the Facebook group for the duration of the course, even if it’s just “Hi.”
  • If you join an optional share group, you commit to attend all meetings, on time, for the whole meeting, with one miss allowed in case of emergency or conflict (two misses for twice-monthly groups).
  • Engagement with the library is up to your discretion, ambition and availability. There's a generous amount of material!
  • You commit to attend the weekend events from start to finish.

Through honoring our shared commitments, you will discover things about yourself and learn to be with and bring mercy to the places in you that rise when you seek to fully engage. There will be plenty of support and mercy along the way to assist you with full engagement.

There will be support for people to really "work" this course and that is primarily what the course is for. However, some exceptions will be made for those who would like to engage the material in a less intense way--these exceptions will likely be for those who have been involved in the work for some time.


Interested? Questions? Email [email protected].