Trust Your Truth: Reclaiming Reality in the Face of Gaslighting Daylong [Recordings]
CourseGaslighting can erode our confidence in our own experience and leave us feeling disconnected from our innate power and wisdom. In this daylong, learn to recognize the distortions of gaslighting and stand firmly in your wisdom and inner authority.
Eros: Coming Alive [Recordings]
CourseExplore the vibrating current of life energy that moves through us, inviting an intimate, and kinesthetically rich relationship with the incarnation of being.
Living from Being In-Person Retreat
CourseImmerse yourself in the heart of being at this 5-day in-person retreat with Jeannie Zandi, where the focus will be on resting in and then living from the essence of who you are.
Election Day Soothie: Finding Refuge in Uncertain Times Meditation [Recordings]
CourseIn the lead-up to Tuesday's U.S. election, join Jeannie for a grounding guided meditation to help you find refuge in your steady heart amidst the swirl of election uncertainty.
Wisdom & Felt Sense [Self-guided]
CourseJoin Jeannie to explore the importance of felt sense to embodiment and to the reaping of wisdom from experience.
Acceptance [Self-guided]
CourseSpiritually we are supposed to accept what is, right? What if we can’t? Jeannie offers a perspective and pointers to opening to deeper acceptance.